About Rachel Horton

Rachel Horton is a band, called Matty Cries. Matty Cries has a record coming out late in the summer of 2009. Rachel Horton is also writing a novel that goes with the record, which can be read here by clicking "Hot Kids From Cold States the novel" under Categories. She also writes short stories sometimes, and poems very occasionally. Rachel Horton feels awkward talking about herself in the third person (once again).

Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh, whoa!

I would have been happy with the generic-looking blog I achieved yesterday via some transatlantic help and my very limited html skills, but that just wasn't good enough for my friend Ben from England, who created this rad-looking template for me. And now look! Thanks, Ben!

Now that I can blog again, what will be on here? More chapters of Hot Kids the novel, obviously, and the few of you with the attention span to read it will get to read all about Matty's cross-country adventure. There will be uncool Midwestern parents, and anthropomorphic construction equipment, and theme parks, and the verbalization things you're afraid to say. There will also be short stories, a lot of which are archives (as new as 2007 and as old as 1999, and yes, I know I was 12 in 1999) but some of which are new. There will be boy stories--kind of funny accounts of failed interpersonal relations I've had over the years. And of course there will be news about the record, where and when Matty Cries plays, etc.

I'm really excited for my show on the 8th, if you're in the Seattle area you should come (info can be found on my myspace page). I'm open to playing anywhere, really, once this album comes out, so if you'd like to me come to your city/state/country (I'm not kidding... give me an excuse to whip out my passport and get on a plane, and I'll do it) and you have a roof I can sleep under and a possible venue where I can play, contact me.



Ben Brooks said...

Glad the site is sorted now.
I'll get around to reading the novel, once I've finished Infinity Blues by Ryan Adams.
I could probably see about sorting out a gig in Plymouth if you'd like?

Anonymous said...

Wow, the new layout looks great!

Rachel said...

I can't take any credit for it, Mallory, but I'm glad you like it. And Ben, let me know, I'd be down to come to England as long as I plan a month or two in advance. I have friends in Ireland, too, so a few European dates could be fun.

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